Working Group Mechanical Workshop

Head: Michael Hesselschwerdt

The Mechanical Workshop, located in building 424, provides services to members of the Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT) and the Institute for Nanotechnology (INT). These services include manufacturing unique pieces and small series, and precision work and repairs to meet the unique specifications and designs of our scientists.


  • Prototyping
  • Production testing
  • Precision devices
  • Vacuum technology
  • Chipless shaping of almost all materials
  • Assembly of manufactured components and assemblies to system parts.


  • Turning, milling and drilling
  • Brazing and welding of stainless steel
  • Sheet metal and plastic processing


Members (in alphabetical order)
Name Tel
Bld.-Room E-Mail
elias.fuesslerGgn9∂kit edu
michael hesselschwerdtGgn9∂kit edu
andreas leiserGgn9∂kit edu
andreas löffelGgn9∂kit edu
denis urassovGgn9∂kit edu