Working Group Superconducting Quantum Circuits

Selected Publications


Rabi oscillations in a superconducting nanowire circuit

Y. Schön, J. N. Voss, M. Wildermuth, A. Schneider, . T. Skacel, M. P. Weides, J. H. Cole, H. Rotzinger, A. V. Ustinov

npj Quantum Mater. 5 (2020) 18



Current-Resistance Effects Inducing Nonlinear Fluctuation Mechanisms in Granular Aluminum Oxide Nanowires

C. Barone, H. Rotzinger, J. N. Voss, C. Mauro, Y. Schön, A. V. Ustinov, S. Pagano

Nanomaterials 10 (2020) 524



Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics of Granular Aluminum Resonators

N. Maleeva, L. Grünhaupt, T. Klein, F. Levy-Bertrand, O. Dupre, M. Calvo, F. Valenti, P. Winkel, F. Friedrich, W. Wernsdorfer, A. V. Ustinov, H. Rotzinger, A. Monfardini, M. V. Fistul, I. M. Pop

Nat. Commun. 9 (2018) 3889



Electric field spectroscopy of material defects in transmon qubits

J. Lisenfeld, A. Bilmes, A. Megrant, R. Barends, J. Kelly, P. Klimov, G. Weiss, J. M. Martinis, A. V. Ustinov

npj Quantum Inf. 5 (2019) 105



Transmon qubit in a magnetic field: Evolution of coherence and transition frequency

A. Schneider, T. Wolz, M. Pfirrmann, M. Spiecker, H. Rotzinger, A. V. Ustinov, M. Weides

Phys. Rev. Res. 1 (2019) 23003



Charge quantum interference device

S. E. de Graaf, S. T. Skacel, T. Hönigl-Decrinis, R. Shaikhaidarov, H. Rotzinger, S. Linzen, M. Ziegler, U. Hübner, H.-G. Meyer, V. Antonov, E. Il'ichev, A. V. Ustinov, A. Ya. Tzalenchuk, O. V. Astafiev

Nat. Phys. 14 (2018) 590



Granular aluminium as a superconducting material for high-impedance quantum circuits

L. Grünhaupt, M. Spiecker, D. Gusenkova, N. Maleeva, S. T. Skacel, I. Takmakov, F. Valenti, P. Winkel, H. Rotzinger, W. Wernsdorfer, A. V. Ustinov, I. M. Pop

Nat. Mater. 18 (2019) 816



Loss Mechanisms and Quasiparticle Dynamics in Superconducting Microwave Resonators Made of Thin-Film Granular Aluminum

L. Grünhaupt, N. Maleeva, S. T. Skacel, M. Calvo, F. Levy-Bertrand, A. V. Ustinov, H. Rotzinger, A. Monfardini, G. Catelani, I. M. Pop

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 117001



Analog quantum simulation of the Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime

J. Braumüller, M. Marthaler, A. Schneider, A. Stehli, H. Rotzinger, M. Weides, A. V. Ustinov

Nat. Commun. 8 (2017) 779



Aluminium-oxide wires for superconducting high kinetic inductance circuits

H. Rotzinger, S. T. Skacel, M. Pfirrmann, J. N. Voss, J. Münzberg, S. Probst, P. Bushev, M. P. Weides, A. V. Ustinov, J. E. Mooij

Supercond. Sci. Technol. 30 (2017) 25002



Superconductor-insulator transition in nanowires and nanowire arrays

J. E. Mooij, G Schön, A. Shnirman, T. Fuse, C. J. P. M. Harmans, H. Rotzinger, A. H. Verbruggen

New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 33006



Anisotropic rare-earth spin ensemble strongly coupled to a superconducting resonator

S. Probst, H. Rotzinger, S. Wünsch, P. Jung, M. Jerger, M. Siegel, A. V. Ustinov, and P. A. Bushev

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 157001



Ultralow-power spectroscopy of a rare-earth spin ensemble using a superconducting resonator

P. Bushev, A. K. Feofanov, H. Rotzinger, I. Protopopov, J. H. Cole, C. M. Wilson, G. Fischer, A. Lukashenko, A. V. Ustinov

Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 60501


Recent Publications

Readout error mitigated quantum state tomography tested on superconducting qubits
Aasen, A. S.; Di Giovanni, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Gärttner, M.
2024. Communications Physics, 7 (1), 301. doi:10.1038/s42005-024-01790-8
Giant Two-Level Systems in a Granular Superconductor
Kristen, M.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Bilmes, A.; Lisenfeld, J.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2024. Physical Review Letters, 132 (21), Artkl.Nr.: 217002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.217002
Quantum emulation of the transient dynamics in the multistate Landau-Zener model
Stehli, A.; Brehm, J. D.; Wolz, T.; Schneider, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Weides, M.; Ustinov, A. V.
2023. npj Quantum Information, 9 (1), Art.-Nr.: 61. doi:10.1038/s41534-023-00731-7
Two-level system hyperpolarization using a quantum Szilard engine
Spiecker, M.; Paluch, P.; Gosling, N.; Drucker, N.; Matityahu, S.; Gusenkova, D.; Günzler, S.; Rieger, D.; Takmakov, I.; Valenti, F.; Winkel, P.; Gebauer, R.; Sander, O.; Catelani, G.; Shnirman, A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Cohen, Y.; Pop, I. M.
2023. Nature Physics, 19, 1320–1325. doi:10.1038/s41567-023-02082-8
Random telegraph fluctuations in granular microwave resonators
Kristen, M.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2023. Applied Physics Letters, 122 (20), Art.-Nr.: 202602. doi:10.1063/5.0147430
Coherent Quantum Network of Superconducting Qubits as a Highly Sensitive Detector of Microwave Photons for Searching of Galactic Axions
Gatti, C.; Affronte, M.; Balanov, A.; Bonizzoni, C.; Brida, G.; Chiariello, F.; Chikhi, N.; Coda, G.; D’Elia, A.; Gioacchino, D. D.; Enrico, E.; Eremin, I.; Ernajes, M.; Il’ichev, E.; Fasolo, L.; Fistul, M.; Ghirri, A.; Greco, A.; Ligi, C.; Maccarone, G.; Meda, A.; Navez, P.; Oelsner, G.; Rajteri, M.; Rettaroli, A.; Ruggiero, B.; Savel’ev, S.; Silvestrini, P.; Tocci, S.; Ustinov, A.; Vanacore, P.; Zagoskin, A.; Lisitskiy, M.
2023. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 1–5. doi:10.1109/TASC.2023.3263807
Enhancing the coherence of superconducting quantum bits with electric fields
Lisenfeld, J.; Bilmes, A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2023. npj Quantum Information, 9, Art.-Nr.: 8. doi:10.1038/s41534-023-00678-9
Microscopic quantum point contact formation as the electromigration mechanism in granular superconductor nanowires
Bartolo, T. C.; Smith, J. S.; Schön, Y.; Voss, J. N.; Cyster, M. J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Cole, J. H.
2022. New Journal of Physics, 24, Art.-Nr.: 073008. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac7a58
Cavity-QED simulation of a quantum metamaterial with tunable disorder
Mazhorin, G. S.; Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Shapiro, D. S.; Remizov, S. V.; Pogosov, W. V.; Moskalev, D. O.; Pishchimova, A. A.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Rodionov, I. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Physical Review A, 105 (3), Art.-Nr.: 033519. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.033519
Fluxons in high-impedance long Josephson junctions
Wildermuth, M.; Powalla, L.; Voss, J. N.; Schön, Y.; Schneider, A.; Fistul, M. V.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Applied Physics Letters, 120 (11), Art.-Nr.: 112601. doi:10.1063/5.0082197
Simulation of the five-qubit quantum error correction code on superconducting qubits
Simakov, I. A.; Besedin, I. S.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Physical Review A, 105 (3), Artk.Nr.: 032409. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.105.032409
Probing defect densities at the edges and inside Josephson junctions of superconducting qubits
Bilmes, A.; Volosheniuk, S.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2022. npj Quantum Information, 8 (1), Art.-Nr.: 24. doi:10.1038/s41534-022-00532-4
Phase-resolved visualization of radio-frequency standing waves in superconducting spiral resonator for metamaterial applications
Leha, A. A.; Zhuravel, A. P.; Karpov, A.; Lukashenko, A. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2022. Low Temperature Physics, 48 (2), 104–112. doi:10.1063/10.0009288
Frequency fluctuations of ferromagnetic resonances at millikelvin temperatures
Wolz, T.; McLellan, L.; Schneider, A.; Stehli, A.; Brehm, J. D.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2021. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (21), 212403. doi:10.1063/5.0063668
Tunable coupling scheme for implementing two-qubit gates on fluxonium qubits
Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Simakov, I. A.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Applied Physics Letters, 119 (19), Art.Nr. 194001. doi:10.1063/5.0064800
In-situ bandaged Josephson junctions for superconducting quantum processors
Bilmes, A.; Händel, A. K.; Volosheniuk, S.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2021. Superconductor Science and Technology, 34 (12), Art.Nr. 125011. doi:10.1088/1361-6668/ac2a6d
Tunable Anderson localization of dark states
Brehm, J. D.; Pöpperl, P.; Mirlin, A. D.; Shnirman, A.; Stehli, A.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 104 (17), Art.-Nr.: 174202. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174202
Approaching Deep-Strong On-Chip Photon-To-Magnon Coupling
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Golubov, A. A.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review Applied, 16 (3), 034029. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.034029
Eliminating Quantum Phase Slips in Superconducting Nanowires
Voss, J. N.; Schön, Y.; Wildermuth, M.; Dorer, D.; Cole, J. H.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. ACS nano, 15 (3), 4108–4114. doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c08721
Quantum beats of a magnetic fluxon in a two-cell SQUID
Moskalenko, I. N.; Besedin, I. S.; Seidov, S. S.; Fistul, M. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 103 (22), Art.Nr.: 224528. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224528
Topological excitations and bound photon pairs in a superconducting quantum metamaterial
Besedin, I. S.; Gorlach, M. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Tsitsilin, I.; Moskalenko, I. N.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Moskalev, D. O.; Matanin, A. R.; Smirnov, N. S.; Rodionov, I. A.; Poddubny, A. N.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review B, 103 (22), Art.-Nr.: 224520. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.224520
Ultrastrong photon-To-magnon coupling in multilayered heterostructures involving superconducting coherence via ferromagnetic layers
Golovchanskiy, I.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Weides, M.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.
2021. Science Advances, 7 (25), Art.-Nr.: eabe8638. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe8638
Minimizing the Discrimination Time for Quantum States of an Artificial Atom
Takmakov, I.; Winkel, P.; Foroughi, F.; Planat, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Spiecker, M.; Rieger, D.; Grünhaupt, L.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Pop, I. M.; Roch, N.
2021. Physical review applied, 15 (6), Art. Nr.: 064029. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.064029
Quantum Nondemolition Dispersive Readout of a Superconducting Artificial Atom Using Large Photon Numbers
Gusenkova, D.; Spiecker, M.; Gebauer, R.; Willsch, M.; Willsch, D.; Valenti, F.; Karcher, N.; Grünhaupt, L.; Takmakov, I.; Winkel, P.; Rieger, D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Roch, N.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Michielsen, K.; Sander, O.; Pop, I. M.
2021. Physical review applied, 15 (6), Art. Nr.: 064030. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.064030
Quantum sensors for microscopic tunneling systems
Bilmes, A.; Volosheniuk, S.; Brehm, J. D.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2021. npj Quantum information, 7 (1), Art.-Nr.: 27. doi:10.1038/s41534-020-00359-x
Photon Transport in a Bose-Hubbard Chain of Superconducting Artificial Atoms
Fedorov, G. P.; Remizov, S. V.; Shapiro, D. S.; Pogosov, W. V.; Egorova, E.; Tsitsilin, I.; Andronik, M.; Dobronosova, A. A.; Rodionov, I. A.; Astafiev, O. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. Physical Review Letters, 126 (18), Art.-Nr.: 180503. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.180503
Reducing the impact of radioactivity on quantum circuits in a deep-underground facility
Cardani, L.; Valenti, F.; Casali, N.; Catelani, G.; Charpentier, T.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cruciani, A.; D’Imperio, G.; Gironi, L.; Grünhaupt, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Henriques, F.; Lagoin, M.; Martinez, M.; Pettinari, G.; Rusconi, C.; Sander, O.; Tomei, C.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weber, M.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Vignati, M.; Pirro, S.; Pop, I. M.
2021. Nature Communications, 12 (1), Art.-Nr.: 2733. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23032-z
Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits
Brehm, J. D.; Poddubny, A. N.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2021. npj quantum materials, 6 (1), Art. Nr.: 10. doi:10.1038/s41535-021-00310-z
Coherent superconducting qubits from a subtractive junction fabrication process
Stehli, A.; Brehm, J. D.; Wolz, T.; Baity, P.; Danilin, S.; Seferai, V.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. Applied physics letters, 117 (12), Art.-Nr.: 124005. doi:10.1063/5.0023533
Magnetization Dynamics in Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Chichkov, V. I.; Silaev, M.; Shchetinin, I. V.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kupriyanov, M. Y.
2020. Physical review applied, 14 (2), Art.-Nr.: 024086. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.024086
Nonlinear spin waves in ferromagnetic/superconductor hybrids
Golovchanskiy, I. A.; Abramov, N. N.; Stolyarov, V. S.; Golubov, A. A.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Ustinov, A. V.
2020. Journal of applied physics, 127 (9), Art. Nr.: 093903. doi:10.1063/1.5141793
Probing the Tavis-Cummings Level Splitting with Intermediate-Scale Superconducting Circuits
Yang, P.; Brehm, J. D.; Leppäkangas, J.; Guo, L.; Marthaler, M.; Boventer, I.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. Physical review applied, 14 (2), Art.Nr. 024025. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.024025
Implementation of a Transmon Qubit Using Superconducting Granular Aluminum
Winkel, P.; Borisov, K.; Grünhaupt, L.; Rieger, D.; Spiecker, M.; Valenti, F.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Pop, I. M.
2020. Physical review / X, 10 (3), Art.Nr. 031032. doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.10.031032
Amplitude and frequency sensing of microwave fields with a superconducting transmon qudit
Kristen, M.; Schneider, A.; Stehli, A.; Wolz, T.; Danilin, S.; Ku, H. S.; Long, J.; Wu, X.; Lake, R.; Pappas, D. P.; Ustinov, A. V.; Weides, M.
2020. npj Quantum information, 6 (1), 57. doi:10.1038/s41534-020-00287-w
Current-Resistance Effects Inducing Nonlinear Fluctuation Mechanisms in Granular Aluminum Oxide Nanowires
Barone, C.; Rotzinger, H.; Voss, J. N.; Mauro, C.; Schön, Y.; Ustinov, A. V.; Pagano, S.
2020. Nanomaterials, 10 (3), 524. doi:10.3390/nano10030524
Rabi oscillations in a superconducting nanowire circuit
Schön, Y.; Voss, J. N.; Wildermuth, M.; Schneider, A.; Skacel, S. T.; Weides, M. P.; Cole, J. H.; Rotzinger, H.; Ustinov, A. V.
2020. npj quantum materials, 5, Art.-Nr.: 18. doi:10.1038/s41535-020-0220-x
Resolving the positions of defects in superconducting quantum bits
Bilmes, A.; Megrant, A.; Klimov, P.; Weiss, G.; Martinis, J. M.; Ustinov, A. V.; Lisenfeld, J.
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), Art. Nr.: 3090. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59749-y
Nondegenerate Parametric Amplifiers Based on Dispersion-Engineered Josephson-Junction Arrays
Winkel, P.; Takmakov, I.; Rieger, D.; Planat, L.; Hasch-Guichard, W.; Grünhaupt, L.; Maleeva, N.; Foroughi, F.; Henriques, F.; Borisov, K.; Ferrero, J.; Ustinov, A. V.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Roch, N.; Pop, I. M.
2020. Physical review applied, 13 (2), Art. Nr.: 024015. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.024015
Introducing coherent time control to cavity magnon-polariton modes
Wolz, T.; Stehli, A.; Schneider, A.; Boventer, I.; Macêdo, R.; Ustinov, A. V.; Kläui, M.; Weides, M.
2020. Communications Physics, 3 (1), Article No.3. doi:10.1038/s42005-019-0266-x
DEMETRA: Suppression of the Relaxation Induced by Radioactivity in Superconducting Qubits
Cardani, L.; Casali, N.; Catelani, G.; Charpentier, T.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cruciani, A.; Gironi, L.; Gruenhaupt, L.; Gusenkova, D.; Henriques, F.; Lagoin, M.; Martinez, M.; Pirro, S.; Pop, I. M.; Rusconi, C.; Ustinov, A.; Valenti, F.; Vignati, M.; Wernsdorfer, W.
2020. Journal of low temperature physics, 199, 475–481. doi:10.1007/s10909-019-02265-9